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At INGEK we are specialists in
Structural Calculation Projects
Take a look at some of our featured projects:

Casa Los Ríos

Edificio Marenostro

Strip Center Algarrobo

Hotel y Centro de Eventos

Casa Litoral

Casa Manuel Antonio Maira

Casa Arzobispo Fuenzalida

Gimnasio La Hacienda

Casa Las Araucarias

Casa La Hacienda

Casa Rinconada

Casa Pitama

Casa Río Lahn

Viviendas Tuteladas

Restaurant Algarrobo

Casa La Candelaria

Casa Tunquén

Casa Lo Barnechea
Commercial and institutional

Cuartel de Bomberos de San Felipe

Ampliación Colegio Everest

Jardín Infantil Palestino

Jardín Infantil Villa Portales

Ampliación Colegio Mano Amiga

Refuerzos Estructurales Escuela Teresa de Calcuta

Pasarela Liceo Fontt

Ampliación Edificio Corporación Colina

Casino Corporación Colina

Cesfam Colina

Bodega de Insumos Farmacéuticos

Sede Vecinal Machalí

Intervención de Oficinas

Cubil Buin Zoo

Centro Cultural San Miguel

Obras Liceo Bicentenario

Salas Cuna

Stand Condumex Expomin

Bodegas Almacenes Integrales

Paneles solares Aeropuerto SCL

Puente de pasajeros Aeropuerto SCL

Soporte de Pantallas Aeropuerto Concepción

Centro de Distribución Walmart

Bodega Tigre ADS

Racks ME Elecmetal

Galpones Epysa

Altillo Industrial

Grúa Pescante Móvil

Cálculo de Vigas de Hormigón Armado

Estanque de Agua Subterráneo

Galpón con Altillo

Rampa para Camiones

Máquina Manipuladora de Corazas

Verificación Pieza Mecánica
Blog Posts

What are seismic bracings?
Seismic bracing is essential to ensure the safety of buildings in seismic zones.

Wind loads and NCh432: A challenge for structural engineering in Chile
With increasing wind intensity due to strong weather phenomena, these loads become more significant.

Structural calculation report: A fundamental component in structural engineering.
We want to dedicate this blog to a topic of great relevance in our field: structural calculation reports.

Wood Construction
Wood construction has been an ancient practice that has evolved over the centuries, becoming an increasingly attractive and sustainable...

Seismic Resistant Design: The Chilean Experience That Makes the Difference
In a world where natural disasters can wreak devastation in a matter of seconds, earthquake-resistant design has become a must. Chile, a...

The Importance of Structural Calculation in Construction and Environment
Construction is one of the most critical industries in the world and is constantly evolving with the introduction of technology and...